Thursday, June 14, 2018

WFTU Statement on the 90 years since the birth of Ché

“People may die but never do their ideas”
Today, June 14, 2018, is the 90th anniversary of the birth of one of the greatest revolutionaries of the twentieth century, Ernesto Guevara de la Serna, known throughout the Latin American continent as “Ché”.
For the big class-oriented family of the WFTU, the figure of Ché remains a guide for the struggles of the present and the future. Although the US imperialists managed to kill him, they will never succeed, no matter how hard they try, to sully his pioneering action, his immense contribution in the struggle against capitalism and its lackeys. For us, for all the simple and class-oriented unionists, the emblematic figure and the ideas of Ché will never lose their validity and vigor. Ché was a revolutionary who fought imperialism with the weapon at hand and never gave up; and this can not be erased by the falsifiers of history.
At this very moment when imperialists prepare new wars for the distribution of natural resources, waves of refugees are uprooted by imperialist aggression and thousands of workers are being sacrificed on the altar of capital gains, the path that Ché traced is an example to follow. Because imperialism has not died yet. Because there are thousands of militants of the WFTU throughout the world who continue to fight against the domination of capital and keep alive the spark and hope for a new world, without exploitation of man by man.
For the WFTU, the words of Commander in Chief Fidel Castro are the wish that we share with all our class brothers and sisters throughout the world:
“If we want to express how we want our children to be, we must say: WE WANT THEM TO BE LIKE CHÉ!”
The Secretariat

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

USB-Italy: Leroy Merlin – The fight pays!

USB Logistics workers and the porters of Leroy Merlin were right: the head of the Premium Net consortium and 5 of its employees were arrested
WFTU trade unions supported our struggles bringing our fight and our protest also in their countries in front of Leroy Merlin shops.
In many cities and countries in EU our brothers of WFTU did their initiatives supporting our hard fight.
For months USB and workers employed in the logistic center of Val Tidone (Piacenza) have reported a situation in which farocial cooperatives were constantly changing fiscal code, did not pay social security contributions, fired workers and then reassumed them without notifying them and without signing any contract, while the TFR disappeared and all the porters were re-teamed at the lower levels.
For months we have struggled for the rights trampled, this has meant aggression by the “caporali” and in some cases hospitalization in the emergency room, while for all it has been translated into blackmail and retaliation.
For months, USB workers have continued to face disciplinary disputes, demotions, transfers to homes far from home, only because they have had the courage to denounce the mountain of irregularities and illegality that govern the Premium Net system and its cooperatives.
Now the truth has finally come to the surface: the president of the consortium Giancarlo Bolondi and 5 of his collaborators have been arrested (another 5 are investigated) for tax evasion, tax fraud, money laundering accumulated illegally in sites of Lombardy and Lazio.
USB demands that the dignity and rights of the workers be restored, stabilizing all the precarious workers and removing all the anti-union practices that have characterized internal relations so far. True justice lies in beating the blackmail of precariousness, the arrogance of the corporal, the procurement system
The USB porters were right, their struggles, their principles, those for which they were brutally evicted by the police, clearly demonstrated who is on the side of legality and rights.
USB immediately asks Leroy Merlin to change the method, to clean up and go to a management of logistics services by eliminating the procurement chain to go to the direct recruitment of workers.
United we are unbeatable!
Long live WFTU!
Long live internationalism!
USB International department

Saturday, June 9, 2018

A profile of union workers in state and local government

Key facts about the sector for followers of Janus v. AFSCME Council 31