If the first few weeks of the Trump Administration are any indication, we're in for the fight of our lives. Not only has he elevated corporate cronies into high places — threatening to undo decades of progress for workers, public health, and the environment — he's also triggered a constitutional crisis, with cities and states now scrambling to defend their most vulnerable from discriminatory travel bans and staving off threats to de-fund sanctuary cities.
Thankfully, millions of Americans are not taking these assaults lightly. They're taking to the streets in communities across the country, marching and organizing in solidarity with refugees, immigrants, women, indigenous peoples, and all those who've been targeted by the Trump regime. By standing together, we can overcome this dark moment in our history, and reignite the spirit of civic engagement toward a better future.
Here at the California Trade Justice Coalition, we're stepping up our organizing to ensure that President Trump is held accountable for a trade justice agenda that truly benefits all Americans. Now that he's announced his intention to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), we're calling for an open, transparent process that yields broadly shared economic benefits for working families and improves environmental health across borders. Support our efforts today!
Although Trump has signaled a new direction on trade, the real test will be whether he stands up for working families and the environment, or whether he pushes more trade deals that grant corporations more rights. So far, his administration has not laid out detailed plans for what changes he'll pursue in NAFTA renegotiations. The California Trade Justice Coalition’s national affiliate, the Citizens Trade Campaign, has released a set of policies and priority strategies to benefit workers, consumers, farmers, trade-impacted communities, and the environment. Through a series of Town Halls across California, we will advance these ideas and lift up the voices of those who’ve been most negatively impacted, particularly immigrants, displaced workers, and environmental justice communities (read more below). Join us!
Toward a more just, vibrant, and sustainable future for us all,
Executive Director
California Trade Justice Coalition
A project of Earth Island Institute and an affiliate of the Citizens Trade Campaign
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