Friday, June 9, 2017

Buy American, Trump’s America First: Same Swindle

We see where this is going. Nothing wrong with buying things made in the USA, but workers need more money. Can't buy at the company store any more. No credit. Living paycheck to paycheck. How can we buy anything? American, Chinese, Japanese, Mexican, Irish, made in Canada, from Singapore. Wherever. Our trade union leaders are missing miss the big picture.

Buy American laws help nothing economically without an economic stimulus. Public works jobs! Food Stamps (now called SNAP). We know that Food Stamps and Women and Infant Care (WIC) coupons used at union supermarkets provide good jobs for union grocery clerks and meatcutters which in turn encourages American farmers to produce higher yields because more of their agricultural products will be sold. So why is our President eliminating the program? Jobs in the Federal sector building infrastructure create real jobs under Davis-Bacon. So why is Trump trying to eliminate it? Right to work laws cut wages and benefits which means workers buy less because they have less disposable income. Trump wants to make Right to Work (for less) a national law. 

Some American labor leaders don't get it. They suggest working with Trump, but he doesn't want to work with them.  Trump’s presidency is all smoke and mirrors to keep workers’ attention away from what is really going on. When these geniuses wake up and realize what their members instinctively know already, that the solution isn't “Buy American” or “Make America Great Again,” it's class struggle and militancy to win better collective contracts, they should be supported wholeheartedly. But at this moment union membership in the private sector is at the lowest level it has been since the start of collective bargaining in 1935 because the American labor movement lacks a class oriented approach and a working-class vision. Workers lose confidence in organizations that take their dues and fail to deliver, and understandably so. The bosses are our adversaries, not our drinking buddies. Workers don’t want to join membership dues clubs to get discounts. They want wages that reflect the real cost of living, medical and retirement benefits, job security, and strong health and safety language in their collective bargaining agreements. Workers are entitled to leisure time to spend with friends and family. Working families deserve to be able to afford a quality education. Union leaders should stop fooling around with Donald Trump and join with the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), the most experienced, class oriented, democratic trade union federation in the world.

Deals like NAFTA and CAFTA have hurt us. Our union leaders admit that, so why this fascination with Trump? Products manufactured are no longer made in one country or territory. Most USA made products including our food supply are made with components and units or portions manufactured in other countries by non-union labor, so the Buy American slogan benefits the capitalists but does nothing to improve the material conditions of the workers. That’s why “Buy American” is a phony slogan. Workers need solutions to the very real problem of wage disparity, unemployment while others are working overtime, speed up, and under staffing.  It’s time to take the gloves off. Donald Trump is no friend of the American worker. Deals can’t be struck with the Devil.

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