Sunday, September 17, 2017

To All the National Trade Unions and International Organizations

Pyongyang, September 16, 2017

The U.S. committed another state terrorism by cooking up new sanctions resolution 2375 against the DPRK at the United Nations Security Council with voting machines on Tuesday.
In this regard, a spokesman for the Korea Asia-Pacific Peace Committee stresses in a statement on Wednesday that the army and people of the DPRK have turned out in a nationwide and all-people confrontation against the U.S., burning their hearts with surging anger and hatred toward the U.S. imperialists and their followers.
The statement says:
The army and people of the DPRK are unanimously demanding that the Yankees, chief culprit in cooking up the sanctions resolution, be beaten to death as a stick is fit for a rabid dog.
The Yankees are the sworn enemy and group of wolves which can never be allowed to go as they have massacred and persecuted the Korean people century after century. The group of gangsters should never be pardoned for having ruthlessly trampled down our sovereignty and right to existence. Theres limit to patience. Now is the time to annihi8late the U.S. imperialist aggressors. lets reduce the U.S. mainland into ashes and darkness. Lets vent our spite with mobilization of all retaliation means which have been prepared till now. These are voices of thee Korean army and people.
Also heard in the DPRK are strong accusations against the Japs who have zealously joined in the U.S. racket for sanctions.
The behaviors of Japs, sworn enemy of the Korean nation, are enraging us. The wicket Japs should not be pardoned as they have not yet made a sincere apology for the never-to-be-condoned crimes against our people but acted disgustingly, dancing to the tune of the  U.S. sanctions. A telling blow should be dealt to them who have not yet come to senses after the launch of our ICBM over the Japanese archipelago. The four islands of the archipelago should be sunken into the sea by the nuclear bomb of Juche. Japan is no longer needed to exist near us. This is the voices of the enraged Korean army and people.
Our army and peoples resentment at the south Korean puppet regime is getting stronger. What they have contended is; The south Korean puppet forces are traitors and dogs of the U.S. as they call for harsher sanctions on the fellow countrymen. The group of pro-American traitors should be severely punished and wiped out with fire attack so that they could no longer survive. Only then, the entire Korean nation can thrive in a reunified territory to be proud of in the world.
The army and people of the DPRK are also enraged at the UN Security Council which has turned into a tool serving the U.S. without regard to peace and security of mankind.
The UNSC moves only on the instruction of the U.S., and it is a tool of evil which does not ensure the global peace and security but ruthlessly wrecks them on the contrary. It is pitiful to see the behavior of big powers and money-bribed countries which voted for anti-DPRK sanctions, disregarding justice, moral sense and conscience. The UNSC is made up of those unprincipled countries and, accordingly, such useless tool should be disbanded at once. This is what all the people in the DPRK have in view and demand.
The said angry voices just represent a statement of the Korean people to the U.S. and its followers.
Dogs bark, the caravan moves on. Our army and people will never waver but to do what they are determined regardless of sanction no more than rotten net.
The adoption of heinous sanction resolution hardens our faith that what we should depend on is only our self-defensive unclear force as well as our unshakable will to go only along the road of simultaneously pushing ahead the economic construction and the building of unclear force.

Central Committee
General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea

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