Tuesday, August 7, 2018

WFTU Statement on the 73 years since the dropping of atomic bombs.

On August 6th 2018, seventy three years have completed since the crime in Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 9th, by the US Imperialism , which in 1945 deprived the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and thousands of others in the coming years due to the effects of radiation in the territory.
The dropping of atomic bombs meant to intimidate the peoples, to send a “message” to the USSR, to the militant movement of all countries, to put the stamp of US intimidation to the international situation after the second world war.
The position of the USA and their allies generates new dangers for the wider region and mankind as a whole. The USA, NATO and European Union aim at plundering Third World Countries’ natural resources, strengthening their spheres of influence and tracing new borders. The dangers for the World Peace are grave. The inter-imperialist antagonisms are constantly being exacerbated.
The WFTU denies USA’s “right” to decide on who can and who is not allowed to have nuclear energy. No one has ever authorized USA to allow Israel, Pakistan, Turkey or S. Korea to have nuclear weapons while they are telling lies and excuses about others.
The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU), since the first year of its foundation in 1945, has had a clear and plain position against nuclear weapons. During all of its Congresses, decisions requesting the abolition of all nuclear weapons from all the countries have been voted.
The Secretariat

FISE Meeting for teachers, Sri Lanka September 14th 2018


FISE Meeting for teachers, Sri Lanka September 14th 2018

 Dear Colleagues in education,
FISE and WFTU jointly invite a teacher delegate from your trade union in the teachers’ meeting of Asia under the theme:
“The Resolutions of the FISE Congress that took place with great success in Mexico and the priorities for the trade unions in education”.
In the meeting the WFTU General Secretary, George Mavrikos will also take part.
To register you may use the following emails:
With militant Greetings,

Opinion: Trump exceeded all limits * ~Opinión: Trump superó todos los límites*


Some news perishes lies, so surprising. The immigration issue in the United States or Europe traditionally attracts attention, but the recent case of children separated from their parents, on the US border, shows that humanity is at great risk.

The president of the USA, Donald Trump, overcame all the limits of good sense. Under any perspective, your policy regarding immigrants is disgusting. The working class of the whole world must condemn publicly its position.

The World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) dedicated its International Day of Action (October 3) in 2017 to the debate on the situation of immigrants and refugees around the world. Since then, there has not been any achievement. It is necessary to discuss that in more depth, under the possibility that new tragedies occur on all continents.

The UIS Metal and Mining is leaded to that fight and condemns with vehemence the fascist policy of Trump. Our Congress, which will be held in Egypt, between July 19 and 21, will not leave that issue aside. The evils of capitalism need an urgent confrontation, with courage and solidarity among the peoples.

* Francisco Sousa is the general secretary of the International Union of Metalworkers and Miners (UISMM) of the WFTU.


Algunas noticias se perecen mentiras, de tan sorprendentes. La cuestión inmigratoria en Estados Unidos u Europa tradicionalmente despiertan la atención, pero el recién caso de niños separados de sus padres, en la frontera norteamericana, muestra que la humanidad está bajo gran riesgo.
El presidente de los EUA, Donald Trump, superó todos los límites de buen sentido. Bajo cualquiera perspectiva, su política a respeto de los inmigrantes es repugnante. La clase obrera de todo el mundo debe condenar públicamente su postura.
La Federación Sindical Mundial (FSM) dedicó su Día Internacional de Acción (3 de octubre) em 2017 al debate sobre la situación de los inmigrantes y refugiados alrededor del planeta. Desde entonces, no ha habido logro algún. Es necesario discutirnos eso con más profundidad, bajo la posibilidad de que nuevas tragedias ocurran en todos los continentes.
La UIS Metal y Minería se soma a esa lucha y condena con vehemencia la política fascista de Trump. Nuestro Congreso, que será realizado en Egipto, entre los días 19 y 21 de julio, no dejará eso tema de lado. Los males del capitalismo necesitan de un enfrentamiento urgente, con coraje y solidaridad entre los pueblos.
*Francisco Sousa es el secretario general de la Unión Internacional Sindical de Metalúrgicos y Mineros (UISMM) de la FSM.  

Cairo, Egypt: The 3rd TUI MM Congress continues its works

The delegates of the 3rd TUI Metal and Mining gathered at Cairo, Egypt, continue their debates and planificatión of their action in the Metal Sector for the years to come. The made important inputs concerning the problems that Metal Branch workers are faced with and underlined the necessity for an even more intense coordination of class-oriented forces.  20 Jul 2018

WFTU statement on the heat-wave in South Korea

According to the South Korean Ministry of Health, Welfare and Disease Control, at least 29 people have died due to heatstroke in South Korea.
The WFTU expresses its sincere condolences to the families and friends of the of the dead people. Unfortunately, whether it is a heat-wave or any other natural disaster, always the workers, the ordinary people, are unprotected, suffer and pay with their lives the lack of safety measures.
The World Federation of Trade Union firmly struggles for the ensuring of the protection of the workers and the popular strata in all aspect of their life and call the workers to strengthen the class-oriented trade union movement in this direction.