Thursday, December 3, 2020

To Travel Agencies and Tourism Workers:


SIMAMEVIP/FECTRANS cannot but express concern about the situation that lives in the travel agency sector, taking into account that there are thousands of workers who are losing or on the verge of losing their jobs and seeing reductions in their income. Trade union intervention is in the defense of rights and interests of those who work as employees.

We do not ignore the concrete reality of the sector, in which small companies proliferate, in which the owners/workers of the same, also go through enormous uncertainties. As for the future, the support negotiated between the Confederation of Tourism is not enough of which APAVT is a part and the government, a good part of which are channeled to the large companies in the sector, which previously argued that less state was needed, but that now do not stop claiming great support from the (less)State.

SIMAMEVIP/FECTRANS understands that the solutions of the sector cannot pass for requiring more sacrifices to workers, particularly with the extension of the "lay-off" that has reduced the income of those who work and transferred the costs of companies to the Social Security/State.

Government measures must be implemented throughout the sector and must also be channelled to safeguard workers' employment and income. This is a sector that has generated huge profits in recent years, they say, with 15% for GDP in 2019, but unfortunately workers in the sector did not have this growth in wages, even in any negotiation process, which if were difficulties.

The path is the organization of workers around SIMAMEVIP/FECTRANS together we intervene in the defense of those who work in travel and tourism agencies.

We have never been offered anything. It has always been the workers, through their
trade union organizations that have won their social and labor rights, which today
continue to have.

The Management of SIMAMEVIP / FECTRANS

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