Sunday, May 23, 2021

PAME Intervention WFTU Meeting of Solidarity with Palestine May 18, 2021


Dear comrades of WFTU:

Our brothers in heroic Palestine:

On behalf of the class unions of Greece, PAME we send our solidarity, our support, our friendship and our heart to the workers and the people of Palestine. We welcome today's initiative of the WFTU which gives us the opportunity to unite our voices, the militant unions of the world, and to shout together "FREE PALESTINE - STOP THE IMPERIALIST CRIME!" 

Dear comrades,we agree with the WFTU proposals and in order not to repeat things that have already been said, nor to take the time from other speakers, we will note only two - three thoughts. First of all, let us inform you that on Sunday a large anti-imperialist rally took place in Athens in front of the Embassy of Israel and the USA, with which the people of Athens, the associations and the unions, condemned the crime of Israel and demanded an end to this massacre.

Similar rallies are held in all cities of Greece and will continue. Also, today PAME delivered to the Ambassador of Palestine in Greece, a joint resolution of almost 200 Greek unions expressing their support for the just demands of the Palestinians and demanding that the Greek Government stop all cooperation with the murderer-state of Israel and move forward in the recognition of the Palestinian state. And here comrades we want to make our second comment. 

Greek governments, members of the European Union, have for so many years always spoken sympathetically of Palestine. At the same time, however, the pilots of the Israeli air force that are bombing Palestine are being trained in Greece.The EU, respectively, speaks with sympathy for Palestine. Some officials may even shed tears in front of the cameras. They will say it many times over and over again. Stop the violence. But this is pure hypocrisy. They speak of violence, equating Israel illegally occupying Palestinian land and in the last week alone its bombers have killed 50 young children. How do you equate a small child with a slingshot that protects his home against a fighter jet bombing hiscountry? 

When international organizations talk about equal distances, generally about neutrality or a general condemnation of violence, they are essentially supporting Israel, giving an alibi to the violence of the occupation and condemning the struggle against the occupation. And here let us note that the same position with the EU, is repeated by and ITUC. ITUC published a statement of so-called solidarity in Palestine entitled "Violence in Israel and Palestine must stop", denouncing the violence on both sides, while at the same time holding the Israeli HISTADRUT in its arms. On the other hand, the ETUC has not made even half a statement about the developments in Palestine for the past two weeks. 

Their attitude proves once again that these forces are dangerous for workers. They are mechanisms of the big monopolies and imperialist centers to promote the positions and plans of the imperialists to the workers and as such they must be revealed and isolated from the militant unions. It should be noted that at the same time the militant unions of Europe, the members of the WFTU, took to the streets in solidarity with Palestine in France, Spain, Turkey, in Italy in Livorno stopped the loading of a ship that was taking arms to Israel. 

We are doing what we can to show that the Palestinians are not alone, even in these difficult circumstances. To stop the governments that support the killing machine of Israel. To reveal to the workers of our countries that the monopolies, the imperialists, for the control of the trade routes, for the sources of materials, for the spheres of influence are changing the borders with the blood of the peoples. 

They are killing whole peoples for US-NATO-EU interests in the region. We will not be silent. We remain on the side of the heroic people of Palestine with new initiatives and actions, with new militant mobilizations.Against the imperialists, against USNATO-EU-Israel to stop their crime 

Long live Solidarity! 

Long live Palestine!

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