Thursday, May 18, 2017

The USB Retired Congress was held on May 10th

On 10 May, the USB Retired Congress was held , the Congresual path developed in various regions with the construction of local structures and the identification of a national network of delegates.
The Congress was attended by Quim Boix, “Secretario General de la UIS (UniĆ³n Internacional de Sindicatos)de Pensionistas y Jubilados (PyJ) de la FSM” which the USB Retired is part.
Solidarity message arrived from Greece, England, Spain and France to demonstrate an advanced coordination process at European level through the FSM.
Besides , Professor Vasapollo ( Cestes social and economic study) and Giovanni Mazzetti took part in the initiative, with a significant contribution to structural reflection in the area of ​​social security and social spending.
The delegates’ debate highlighted the perception of a growing social worry pointed out by problems in social security, health care, territorial services, environmental degradation, with particular attention to the new generations.
The perception of being in a unclear plan of systematic attack on the socio economic conditions of retirees with the destruction of public security, all delegate present has manifested the express desire to regain the social protagonism of the struggles.
The precariousness of social life becomes a structural element of one’s existence and must be fought together with all those who suffer.

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