Saturday, May 27, 2017

Westinghouse locks out 172 Local 651 members of Boilermakers Union

WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC CO. locked out 172 members of Local 651 at its Newington, New Hampshire facility May 21, claiming the company and union have reached a collective bargaining impasse, even though just five negotiating meetings and a single mediation session (during which the company walked out) have been held. During contract negotiations, Westinghouse sought to strip severance provisions, cut defined benefits and drastically reduce health insurance benefits for the workers.

Duane Egan, L-651 Westinghouse chief steward, said members lost their health insurance the day they were locked out. “We have some members with health issues, and a lot of younger members with small children,” said Egan. “Going without a paycheck is incredibly hard, but going without health insurance is catastrophic for a lot of our members.”

Industrial Sector Executive Director Tyler Brown said that L-651 members are in the process of applying for unemployment benefits from the State of New Hampshire, “but even if benefits are awarded, it will be a small fraction of what our members were making working inside the facility.”

Hear the radio interview about the Westinghouse lock out with ISO-ED Tyler Brown on Workers Independent News radio.

IBB creates a fund to help members.

International President Newton B. Jones has issued a request that every local do what it can to contribute to a fund for members of L-651. See below for information on how to donate.

Donation Information
Help L-651 members and families by sending a check payable to “International Secretary-Treasurer William Creeden.” Please write  “651 Lockout” on the memo line.

Mail to:
International Brotherhood of Boilermakers
Local 651 Lockout Fund
753 State Ave., Suite 565
Kansas City, KS  66101

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