Sunday, May 7, 2017

The WFTU participated in the UNESCO NGO FORUM 2017 in Saudi Arabia on May 3 & 4

The WFTU participated in the UNESCO NGO FORUM 2017, represented by Christoforos Giakoumelos. This year´s event was organised in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia with the slogan “Youth and their Social Impact” on May 3 and 4.
In his address to the UNESCO partners, in the framework of “Speaker Corner”, the WFTU representative presented the WFTU youth activities and concluded by saying among other that “especially the working youth can really have a great social impact through their fight for a work with rights, for a work that could satisfy their contemporary needs; in any case, only a fight for their lives and labor rights would allow youth to have a positive social impact, capable of changing society”.

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